Autoimmune Disease and Women, Is it Gene or Stress?

autoimmune and women

Yesterday, on 5th November 2023, I was watching about autoimmune disease and I was curious about why suddenly your immune system would attack your healthy cells. Then, I discovered this video, a video from Dr. Gabor Mate.

He made this statement:

"I am gonna tell you an interesting fact, in the 1930s, the ratio of men and women with multiple sclerosis was about one to one or close to one to one. You know what is it now? Three and a half women to every man. What does that tell us? It can't be genetic problem because genes don't change in the population over 70 years or 80 years. It can't be a form of climate and diet because it hasn't changed more for one gender than another. What is it? I'm suggesting there is something going on in the society and that's stress. People with depression or psychosis or ADHD or Autism or a physical illness, they're abnormal. That's one way to look at it. But the other way to look at it is that the abnormality in the society that generates this illness and that this illness or these condiitons are normal responses to abnormal circumstances" (Dr. Gabor Mate)

OK, if you look at the data about autoimmune disease, for example Lupus, in this source, you will find the fact that 9 of 10 adults with Lupus are women. This is a fact, and why can it happen?

Based on my experience, let me tell you, hundred or thousand years ago, women didn't work in the office. They didn't have to work in the office and mostly they were just working as housewives. But nowadays, it's very common if you see women work in offices.

What's the connection? Here the problem is starting.

Women are bad in handling stress, from my experience, I can tell you. Why? Because women think differently, they way of women thinking is different with the men. For example, men will always have their own box for each subject in their mind. Men separate these boxes in their mind so that they won't get mixed into one another. For example, they have a family box, a wife box, a work box, a game box, a hobby box, a movie box, etc. Because the men don't mix these subjects into one box, if they have a problem in the family, when they are at work, they won't be affected by this problem mostly because they have separated them.

Women are different. Women only have one box, one box for all subjects. So, if women have problem at their office, they will take this problem to their family and they will be in bad mood. It happens also when they have a problem in the family, they will be in bad mood or stressed in their offices, too. This is the key point why women are more likely to get autoimmune disease.

When women get bad work environment in which they have the worst boss, superiors, or maybe their workmates in the office. They will be easily stressed and I have watched lots of women are struggling to handle their stress in their work. When they every day have to go to their hellish office, it will stress them more and more and finally it will be depression.
When you are in depression or stress, your immune system will be confused and they won't work normally, and suddenly, they are starting to attack your own healthy cells. That's the key problem, the stress, not the gene.

That's the reason why in 1930s, the chance of men and women to have autoimmune disease is just one to one, but now, in this modern era, the chance can be nine women to one man, insane!

We are now having a very abnormal society which will cause more stress to the people, especially for women. This abnormal society which requires you to wake up at dawn, go to the office, go home late, and then wake up again at dawn, etc, this clearly will make everyone in this world more stressed than it used to be, especially for women.

How to deal with this? In my experience, happiness is more important than money. If you are a woman who is reading this thing now, if your work makes you stressed, it would be better for you to quit rather than be stressed by your work environment.

How about money? I have lived long enough to say, money will come just by itself when you are happy. Don't worry about money, it will just come by itself when you are happy. Your happiness and healthy is more important than money. You have to fight this abnormal society, don't be its part, it will kill you.

#autoimmune #woman #stress #willyamwen


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