English | Vocabularies (31) |
Edinburgh Castle in Scotland is very old. It has been at the center of Scottish history for over 800 years. A few hundred years ago, secret tunnels were discovered under the castle . These runnels were not natural; they were probably built by people living there as a way to leave the castle without being seen. According to one story, a man was sent down into the tunnels to explore. As he went down into the tunnels, he played bagpipes very loudly so people could hear him outside. Suddenly the music stopped ... and the bagpiper never came out. Today, some people are certain that the bagpiper is still down there playing his final song. They report that you can hear bagpipe music on dark nights. | Names Scotland Skotlandia Verbs Report Melaporkan Reach Mencapai Publish Mempublikasikan, Menerbitkan Leave, Left, Left Meninggalkan Send, Sent, Sent Mengutus, Mengirim Explore Menjelajah Stop Berhenti Report Melaporkan Nouns Castle Kastil Tunnel Terowongan Bagpipe Bagpipe Bagpiper Peniup Bagpipe Night Malam Adjectives Scottish Skotlandia A Few Beberapa, Sedikit Certain Yakin Final Akhir Dark Gelap Adverbs Ago Lalu Probably Mungkin Loudly Dengan Kencang, Dengan Keras Outside Di Luar Out Keluar Down There Di Bawah Sana Down Di Bawah Prepositions For Over Selama Lebih Over Lebih Without Tanpa According To Menurut Conjunctions As Sebagai, Karena, Sewaktu |
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