Reading Inggris Praktis: Volume 1 - Willyam Wen - Black Orb Publishing - Chapter 2 - Exercise 21 - Atlantis

Belajar Inggris
English Vocabularies (21)
Throughout history, explorers have reported finding Atlantis. In 2004, the explorer Robert Sarmast reported finding the island's remains on an undersea mountain near Cyprus. However, Sarmast and other scientists later found out these findings were natural, not man-made. Many people think Atlantis is simply a story. The purpose of the story was to reach people about the evils' of greed. Richard Ellis published a book on Atlantis in 1999. He says "there is not a piece of solid evidence"6 for a real Atlantis. 20 So was the island real or not? Only one thing is certain: the mystery of Atlantis will be with us for a long time. Verbs
Report Melaporkan
Reach Mencapai
Publish Mempublikasikan, Menerbitkan
History Sejarah
Explorer Penjelajah
Remains Sisa-Sisa, Reruntuhan
Mountain Gunung
Scientist Ilmuan
Finding Penemuan
Evil Kejahatan
Greed Keserakahan, Ketamakan
Evidence Bukti
Mystery Misteri
Undersea Di Bawah Laut
Natural Alami
Solid Solid
Certain Pasti
Later Kemudian, Nanti
Simply Hanyalah
Throughout Sepanjang, Selama, Seluruh
However Meskipun Begitu, Namun

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