繁体中文 昨天,即 2023 年 11 月 5 日,我正在觀看有關自身免疫性疾病的視頻,我很好奇為什麼你的免疫系統會突然攻擊你的健康細胞。然後,我發現了這個視頻,這是 Gabor Mate 博士的視頻。 他發表了這一…
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繁体中文 昨天,即 2023 年 11 月 5 日,我正在觀看有關自身免疫性疾病的視頻,我很好奇為什麼你的免疫系統會突然攻擊你的健康細胞。然後,我發現了這個視頻,這是 Gabor Mate 博士的視頻。 他發表了這一…
I am a language and music enthusiast. I like learning new languages and making music. I understand Indonesian, English, Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, and Aramaic. Also, I like learning various things such as stocks, economy, psychology, football, movie, video games, etc. My goal is I want to share the knowledge I have learned so far to all people over the world freely. I hope this site can be useful and beneficial for you
If you like to learn Chinese/ Mandarin language, you can visit this blog